
New improvements & updates to H2Ok Insights


December 10, 2024

New Circuits page

Updated profile settings page

Completely revamped circuits page with a new tool for visualizing trends for specific circuits. This tool allows a ton of customizability - reorder metrics, hide specific ones, set trend baseline periods - and allows you dig deep into which circuits are under/over performing on certain aspects over time.

Shareable URLs

Insights can now encode information into its own URLs so that you can share a link to a particular page with a certain configuration and another user can hop on to the same view. If you have a precision-cip application, try sharing a link to a particular wash on the summary page.

Summary table for changeover use-case

The summary page is now also available on changeover use-cases where it can present product loss and H2Ok savings during each changeover/startup period.

Other improvements

  • A new Q&A section is available on /docs that answers the most commonly asked questions.
  • For new deployments, the error message for when devices aren't configured looks significantly better and shows steps needed to rectify that.
  • There are noticeable improvements on initial load times on Insights across all pages.
  • The performance-tracker on the homepage for precision-cip now only shows information for the specified time period instead of showing data since the start of the deployment.

December 05, 2024

New settings UI for account & facilities

Updated profile settings page

New account settings page - freely personalize your presence on Insights. This page also includes security features including setting up new OAuth providers & a log trail of account access & changes.

New facility settings page - update settings for your facility and invite new users to your facility.


October 16, 2024

New documentation site

Screenshot with new nav layout

New documentation section available under /docs on Insights. This includes getting up to speed on how to use Insights, H2Ok hardware manual, and (soon-to-come) H2Ok ML Models documentation.

New Changelog & Login page

Our changelog page just got a glow-up & if you're reading this, you're already on the new changelog page. We maintain this page to communicate progress & maintain momentum as find more intuitive ways to generate value from the H2Ok platform. The login page has also undergone a change to reflect our focus on constantly shipping features.


  • Profile dropdown on the top-right of the screen always remain fresh.

  • Minor improvements to login form to indicate pending status when the form is submitted.


October 11, 2024

New Summary-Details UI

Screenshot with new nav layout

The Summary page UI for Precision-CIP has undergone a big revamp. This redesign focuses on making important information easily accessible as well as introducing multiple performance benefits - instant navigation is enabled, client-side caching enables quick switching between different summaries, and improvements were made to fetching summary timeseries from our server.


  • The top navbar used to add extra padding to the left when a user scrolls down. This has been fixed.

  • The loading bar on top of the page no longer is hidden when the user has scrolled down.

  • Downloading an .xlsx from the summary page no longer has locale-based rounding errors.

  • The Performance Tracker on the home page of Precision-CIP use-case correctly displays the start date of H2Ok Automation.


July 31, 2024

Navigation UI refresh

Screenshot with new nav layout

Navigation on Insights is now restyled & more simplified. All navigation links and menus are now localized to the top of the screen; and progress bars immediately indicate in-progress page transitions.

Spectral fingerprinting

Spectral fingerprinting is now available on Insights. Click on any point in the Summary or Monitoring graph to immediately see the spectral fingerprint of that point. You can also select multiple points and set baselines to effectively compare signals from the H2Ok Sensors.

Updated demo mode

Insights now has a new demo mode available to all users with synthetic factory data. Use this to play around with the newest features & get a feel for what it's like to use Insights to monitor your systems.


  • The Monitoring page for precision-CIP applications has been massively improved - it can now show sensor health values, a more intuitive loading UI, faster & cancellable queries, and has other minor UX improvements to make it easier than ever to query your H2Ok sensor or PLC data.

  • Users are now prompted to reset their password on initial login & then every 6 months thereafter.

  • The summary table now supports selecting rows to view aggregate metrics.


  • Addressed issues some users were facing when trying to log in with 3rd party auth providers like Google, Microsoft.

April 18, 2024

Improvements to Summary Table

Screenshot with multi-device selector

  • Restructured Insights to support multi-device selection. Statistics for multiple devices at the same facility can be selected and viewed at once.

  • The summary table now supports multi-column grouping. This unlocks the ability to uncover trends existing across a group of washes.

  • Added the ability to export all the accumulated statistics from the summary table to either a .csv or .xlsx file.

  • Added real-time summary generation for precision CIP applications. This marks a big improvement from the previous way of manually clicking a button to scan for washes and generate summaries.


  • Users can now reset their passwords using the settings page.

  • Added support for wastewater analytics by creating a new dashboard for it.

  • Added units to the summary-details graph. For some facilities, step names have also been added to the graph for better readability.

  • Added visual flags for incomplete or underwashed washes.


March 13, 2024


  • Added Monitoring graph to the can-washing and varnish-control use cases

  • Added Microsoft Login


March 10, 2024

Introducing Insights Monitoring

Screenshot 2024-03-08 at 6 33 30 PM

Added a new page for monitoring raw data coming from the factory floor. The tool introduced in this page allows you to visualize, explore, and monitor the data collected by H2Ok Gateways. Using the query editor, you can create custom queries to gain greater insights into your data - allowing you to more efficiently debug issues and optimize all your systems connected to H2Ok's on-field technology.

Public changelog & roadmap pages

Added a public change-log and roadmap page. The goal of this feature is to increase transparency between the H2Ok team and our customers. You will have access to all our past release history on the change-log page. The roadmap page offers a glimpse at what the H2Ok team is working on currently and what to expect in the future.


  • Improved authentication flow when using Google login.

  • Improved mobile UI for facility and use-case selector in the top navbar. Earlier, on some mobile configurations, the UI overflowed or was unintentionally split into two lines.


  • Fixed an issue where the user wasn't able to log in even after entering the correct username and password.

  • Fixed an error on the /overview page which caused all the cards to flicker on initial load.


February 29, 2024


  • Add landing-page animation

  • Add step & functions to summary-details


February 25, 2024


  • Add credentials login to Insights-v4